Welcome! This is a long webpage as it includes all the resources that Practice staff may need to identify and refer eligible patients to the Newcastle Low Calorie Diet Programme in one place. It is designed for people who have attended or listened to one of the education sessions (including links to videos).
This website is for referring health care professionals only – please do NOT forward to patients. The patient information page is here – or you can print / order the leaflets below.
Where relevant we have included links to ‘how to’ videos – accessed through a separate page so this page is not even longer…
We are holding education sessions to go through the detail of searches, invitations, referral forms etc and answer any questions and can also attend a practice or PCN meeting on request. If you would like to arrange an education session please contact Alison Barnes at Alison.barnes28@nhs.net or Jon Scott at jon.scott@momentanewcastle.com
Note: Please DO NOT send referral or patient identifiable information to these emails
Thank you very much and we look forward to your referrals – see below for details.
If you are not from Newcastle please see alternative pages here.
Table of contents
Rollout of NHS Low Calorie Diet across Newcastle
Patients can join programmes virtually or in-person. Although referrals can be made by any practice at any time, Collaborative Newcastle is working in partnership with PCNs, practices and Momenta (the Provider) to coordinate the service rollout. Coordinating referrals from neighbouring practices will minimise waiting times and travel for patients attending in-person programmes.
The following practices have NOT yet returned their signed DPIA to the CCG/ICB: Betts Avenue Medical Group, Biddlestone Medical Centre. Please contact Irene Fenney for details (irene.fenney@nhs.net).
Note: As the North East and North Cumbria ICS is also offering Momenta’s NHS Low Calorie Diet it will be straightforward for Newcastle GP Practices to transition to this offer once the Collaborative Newcastle funding is finished so please refer as many eligible patients as soon as possible to minimise waiting times for in-person groups.
Participant case studies
Some participants have shared their stories – you might find their experiences help you explain the programme to your patients – or they might just make you smile…
Juliet, Birmingham & Solihull
Eligibility criteria
Inclusion criteria
- Aged between 18-65 inclusive
- Diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes within last 6 years
- BMI of >=27kg/m² (adjusted to >=25kg/m² in people of BAME origin)
- Attended monitoring and diabetes review in last 12 months, incl. retinal screening and commit to continue annual reviews, even if achieve remission. (If newly diagnosed no need to wait for retinal screening before making offer of referral).
- HbA1c within 12 months, with values as follows:
- If on diabetes medication, HbA1c >=43 mmol/mol (6.1%)
- If not on diabetes medication, HbA1c >=48 mmol/mol (6.5%)
- In all cases, HbA1c must be <=87 mmol/mol (10.1%)
Exclusion criteria
- Current insulin user
- Currently breastfeeding
- Pregnant or planning to become pregnant within the next 6 months
- Heart attack or stroke in last 6 months; severe heart failure (New York Heart Association grade 3 or 4); severe renal impairment (most recent eGFR <30mls/min/1.73m2); active liver disease (not including NAFLD); active substance use disorder; active eating disorder (including binge eating); porphyria; or known proliferative retinopathy that has not been treated (not excluding individuals who are newly diagnosed and have not yet had the opportunity for retinal screening).
- Had bariatric surgery
- Health professional assessment that patient is unable to understand or meet the demands and/or monitoring requirements of the NHS Programme; or for whom the programme is not appropriate clinically (consulting with relevant Specialist teams if required); or for whom safe and robust medications adjustment is not practical in a primary care setting.
Patient information
You can send patients to this landing page for more information about the service – this is helpful to do when inviting patients by text (or email).
Momenta sends all GP practices a pack of A4 posters and trifold patient leaflets – ask your Practice Manager for details.
You can download PDF versions of the A4 Patient Information Leaflet and Patient Information Poster for local printing / distribution.
GP Practices can also order additional packs of patient information leaflets and / or posters from Momenta: support@momentanewcastle.com
EMIS searches and Referral & Medications Adjustment Form
You can download this EMIS search to obtain a ‘longlist’ of potentially eligible patients with and without mobile phone numbers.
We suggest you screen out patients you believe are ineligible or otherwise inappropriate manually before contacting them directly by text and/or letter.
You can also download a one-page summary of how to import the search and which searches to run (typically the top two) when you open them i.e. :
– $LCD patient list no mobile (Run this and call/letter)
– $LCD patient list with mobile (Run this and text)
You will need to download the document below then then ‘unzip’ or extract it before using.
We have improved the search to address differences in coding and Covid-impact across practices. We extended the timescale for eligible HbA1c readings and diabetes reviews to 18 months (from 12). This will include patients who might have delayed their annual review / blood test but are otherwise eligible. If interested, they can be referred after an updated blood test.
We suggest running the search (as per notes above and instructions). If it returns fewer patients than you expect please contact us as there may be other coding-related avenues to explore.
Finally, we extend our thanks to Scott Greenwood and colleagues at NECS and Joel Wilson at Symphony Healthcare Services for developing the searches and referral and Medication Adjustment Form as well as colleagues across many practices who have helped refine it.
SystmOne searches and Referral & Medications Adjustment Form
You can download this EMIS search to obtain a ‘longlist’ of potentially eligible patients with and without mobile phone numbers.
We suggest you screen out patients you believe are ineligible or otherwise inappropriate manually before contacting them directly by text and/or letter.
You can also download a one-page summary of how to import the search and which searches to run (typically the top two) when you open them i.e. :
– $LCD patient list no mobile (Run this and call/letter)
– $LCD patient list with mobile (Run this and text)
You will need to download the document below then then ‘unzip’ or extract it before using.
We have improved the search to address differences in coding and Covid-impact across practices. We extended the timescale for eligible HbA1c readings and diabetes reviews to 18 months (from 12). This will include patients who might have delayed their annual review / blood test but are otherwise eligible. If interested, they can be referred after an updated blood test.
We suggest running the search (as per notes above and instructions). If it returns fewer patients than you expect please contact us as there may be other coding-related avenues to explore.
Finally, we extend our thanks to Scott Greenwood and colleagues at NECS and Joel Wilson at Symphony Healthcare Services for developing the searches and referral and Medication Adjustment Form as well as colleagues across many practices who have helped refine it.
Communicating with patients to support referrals
Referrers often find it helpful to communicate with potential referrals identified by a register search to give them more information about the service. This will help you discuss the LCD programme only with patients who are eligible and interested, saving you and them valuable time. In the past referrers have used text messages, or a combination of text messages for those with mobile phones and letters for those without. The LCD searches above support this by differentiating between these two groups of patients.
Summary steps include:
– Run Register search to generate ‘longlist of potential referrals. FYI two system searches are provided above (one for people with a registered mobile number and one for those without).
– Optional step: Conduct manual screen against non-searchable eligibility and other suitability criteria.
– Send potentially eligible patients a text message or letter. You should use your practice’s standard approach and platform e.g. accuRx, MJog, iPlato etc.
– The text message will alert them to the new free Newcastle Low Calorie Diet Programme and signpost them to https://momentanewcastle.com/patient-lcd-newcastle where they can find out more about the programme and assess their own likely eligibility and Readiness before deciding if they would like to talk to you about a referral at this time. We suggest adding a leaflet to letters that are posted.
– The text message / letter will ask interested patients to call / email you (as you prefer) to discuss a referral to the Newcastle LCDP and associated medications changes.
See below for sample text and letter contents.
EMIS: You can download the guide to importing documents and the EMIS template.
You can also download the guide to accessing the SystmOne letter template on the CDRC directory – and the template directly if you wish.
You will need to ‘unzip’ or extract the documents from the folders below to use them.
See above for a patient information leaflet.
Medications adjustments guidelines
Medical Guidance with examples and context (from NHS England). This is a comprehensive guide developed by the NHSE&I Expert Advisory Group including clinicians and lead researchers
Collaborative Newcastle and Momenta have added three pages to the end of the main document:
– A one page indicative summary of the main document, with hyperlinked references to the relevant sections for the detail
– A one page summary apiece of the changes to blood sugar and blood pressure medication respectively.
The TITO video includes a significant section on Medications adjustments.
Education session for referrers - 13/07/2022
The TITO presentation slides are available for download here.
The recorded webinar is available here (currently from 10/3/22 TITO – to be updated shortly).
Key contacts
Jon Scott
Momenta Newcastle
Project Officer Lead for Newcastle Low Calorie Diet Programme
Email: jon.scott@momentanewcastle.com
Tel: 01914 814 370
Note: Please DO NOT send referral or patient identifiable information to this email
Collaborative Newcastle
Alison Barnes – Collaborative Newcastle and NUTH Project Manager
Note: Please DO NOT send referral or patient identifiable information to this email
SNOMED codes for Newcastle Low Calorie Diet Programme
Patient journey
The Newcastle Low Calorie Diet programme is delivered to groups of up to 15 people – either virtually over Zoom or at community venues.
It is a complex three-phase behavioural intervention over 12 months, with over 20 group sessions:
– Phase 1 Reboot: Total Diet Replacement (12 weeks)
– Phase 2 Rebalance: Food Reintroduction (6 weeks)
– Phase 3 Retune: Weight Maintenance (until 12 months).
The 75 minute sessions focus on the topics shown below. Participants also receive a range of resources at different points of the programme.

LCD Readiness (Self-)Assessment Tool
Standalone patient version (for printing / emailing) and healthcare professional version with notes for HCPs on the first page.
Coming soon: Click here for a recorded presentation of two ways to use the Readiness (Self-)Assessment Tool
Complaints contacts and procedures
Complaints should be addressed to the Provider (Momenta Newcastle) and/or the CCG as appropriate.
– Momenta Newcastle (Provider): complaints@momentanewcastle.com
Referring from a different area?
Momenta also provides the NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme in other areas, each with their own referral forms, local contacts and minor differences. Please follow the links below for Referrer information from other areas: