How we will deal with any complaints

We will investigate all complaints thoroughly and look to provide a positive resolution to all issues we are presented with.  We will report all complaints and their resolution to our Board, relevant local health organisations and the Commissioner of our services. If appropriate we will learn from them and plan to prevent any recurrence.

If you wish to discuss any issues you have with the way you are treated on our programme or any advice or information you have been given please talk to your Coach or Adviser. Most complaints can be sorted out quickly and easily in this way, in line with NHS England’s ‘local resolution’ process.

If you are unable to reach a solution with your Coach or Adviser, they will pass your complaint to their Manager who will investigate the complaint and aim to write to you with their findings within ten working days.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the initial investigation, your issue will be escalated to the Director with responsibility for Operations who will investigate further and aim to provide written feedback within ten working days.

If you are still not satisfied with Momenta Newcastle’s resolution of your complaint, you can escalate your complaint to the Board of Momenta Newcastle who will assign an appropriate Director to investigate further and aim to provide written feedback within ten working days.

If you cannot resolve your issue directly or are dissatisfied at any point in the process then please email us at 

Please note that we cannot respond directly to complaints about things that happened before your referral to our service, which you should raise locally, nor about anything in local or national service specification documents which you will need to address with the Commissioner of the service.